Past president of the National Pool Management Association, NYC businessman has long advocated to ensure swimming pool drains are properly shielded
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – The near drowning of entertainer Usher’s 5-year-old son has undoubtedly caused a stir among parents nationwide, concerned about the safety of their own children during the summer pool season.

“Installing something as simple as this pool-drain cover can prevent a tragedy,” says Staten Island, N.Y.-based pool-safety expert Stu Roaker.
According to published reports, Usher Raymond V was rescued on Monday after being entrapped by a drain in his family’s back yard pool in Atlanta.
Are pool drains also placing Staten Island children at risk?
“Not under my watch,” said pool-safety expert Stu Roaker of The Pool Therapist, a decades-old swimming pool installation and management company based in the Island community of Travis.
A past president of the National Pool Management Association, Roaker, who founded his business in 1987, has long advocated for both private and commercial in-ground pool owners to ensure swimming pool drains are properly shielded, to protect children from intense life-threatening suction.
“The solution is simple if safety is the first concern: Drains are not a threat when fitted with a secure, safety cover,” said Roaker, who governs the safety of the largest pools on Staten Island, such as those operated by the South Shore Swim Club, Wagner College, the College of Staten Island, Hillside Swim Club, Hilton Garden Inn and Hampton Inn, and On Your Mark.
“It’s amazing how many people are unaware about the threat of improperly covered pool drains, or are lax about having the danger neutralized. I’ve actually come across situations where commercial pool operators or homeowners associations (HOAs) neglected to have pool-drain covers installed, or placed inadequate do-it-yourself versions at the bottom of pools, thinking that the threat would go away. It’s mind-boggling; these are the lives of children we’re talking about.”
The U.S. Consumer product safety commission (CPSC) reports that nearly 300 children under the age of five drown in a pool or spa each year, and another 5,100 children under the age of 15 go to hospital emergency rooms for near-drowning injuries.
“Many of these types of tragedies are preventable – particularly when they involve exposed pool drains,” Roaker said.
On Dec. 19, 2007, “The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool & Spa Safety Act” was signed into law by then-President George W. Bush.
The law requires all public pools, including those of HOAs and residential complexes, meet federal standards for anti-entrapment drain covers and other safety devices.
The law takes its name from Virginia Graeme Baker, a young girl who drowned after she was trapped under water by the powerful suction from a hot tub drain.
A twin and the youngest of five, 7-year-old Graeme, as her family called her, was the daughter of Nancy and James Baker IV, the son of former Secretary of State James Baker III.
In June 2002, Graeme became stuck to a hot tub drain and was unable to pull herself free. Efforts by her mother to pull Graeme from the drain proved unsuccessful. Two men who eventually freed Graeme from the spa pulled so hard that the drain cover broke from the force. Graeme died from drowning, but the real cause of her death was suction entrapment due to a faulty drain cover.
“This law is a positive step in the right direction,” Roaker said. “But it’s not enough if it’s ignored.”
For questions pertaining to swimming-pool construction, maintenance, management and safety, Roaker may be reached at 718-370-7000, or via his company Website:
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