Congressman Michael Grimm, center, recently met with Traci Cangiano, president of the Staten Island Board of Realtors (SIBOR), and Sandy Krueger, SIBOR CEO, at the organization’s headquarters in Bulls Head, where he thanked them and the group’s members for their efforts to guide military veterans on the road to a new career. SIBOR’s’ Richmond County Real Estate Institute is offering all veterans a special discounted rate of $230 – a 40 percent discount – for any Real Estate Salesperson Qualifying Course to be taken in 2013. Application deadline is July 31. For more information, contact Debbie Lerner, director of education, at 718-928-3225 or via email: [email protected].

SIBOR President Traci Cangiano, fourth from left, gathers with Congressman Michael Grimm and members of SIBOR's Past Presidents Council.