STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. – Representatives of the Staten Island Board of Realtors® (SIBOR) were among REALTORS® from across New York state who gathered in Albany in early May to highlight important real estate-related issues.

Meeting in the Albany office of Assemblyman Michael Cusick are, from left, SIBOR President Scott Setaro; Christopher Manfredo; SIBOR past presidents Greg Sokol and Sari Kingsley; Assemblyman Cusick; Dawn Carpenter, a past president of both SIBOR and the New York State Association of Realtors®; Brianne O’Leary; Phyllis Cangro, SIBOR director; Angelo Pappalardo, SIBOR president-elect, and Roseanne La Fata, SIBOR director.
(Photo: Courtesy of the Staten Island Board of Realtors®)
The Realtors® were there to ask state senators and Assembly members to support initiatives that are vital to the industry, advocating for public policies in support of Empire State buyers, sellers and renters.
Among the Island Realtors were SIBOR CEO Sandy Krueger; SIBOR President Scott Setaro; SIBOR past presidents Greg Sokol, Sari Kingsley and Dawn Carpenter, who additionally is a past president of the New York State Association of Realtors® (NYSAR); SIBOR President-Elect Angelo Pappalardo; SIBOR directors Phyllis Cangro and Roseanne La Fata; and Brianne O’Leary.
During the Albany visit, SIBOR members met with Assemblyman Michael Cusick; Assemblyman Charles D. Fall; Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis; State Sen. Diane Savino; Assemblyman Michael Reilly,and John Turoski, State Sen. Andrew J. Lanza’s chief of staff.
The SIBOR representatives advocated for several important legislative proposals, including: Increased transparency in the purchase of co-op housing, and state-supported assistance with first-time homebuyers’ closing costs. The SIBOR contingent also joined with Realtors from across the state in speaking out against bills to increase real estate transfer taxes.
About the Staten Island Board of REALTORS® (SIBOR)
Established in 1915, the Staten Island Board of REALTORS® (SIBOR) is the largest professional association in Staten Island, N.Y.
SIBOR exists to enhance the ability and opportunity of its members to conduct their business successfully and ethically, and promote the preservation of the public’s right to own, transfer and use real property.
Comprised of more than 2,000 members, SIBOR serves real estate agents, brokers and affiliated professionals throughout the borough and surrounding areas.
SIBOR is the provider of the Staten Island Multiple Listing Service Inc. (SIMLS), which works as a clearinghouse through which more than 250 local real estate firms exchange information on properties they have listed for sale. Together, its members participate in over 5,000 real estate transactions every year.
All SIBOR Realtors belong to the New York State Association of REALTORS® (NYSAR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
SIBOR may be reached at 718-928-3220 and viewed online at SIBOR may also be visited on Facebook at Staten Island Board of Realtors,on Twitter via @SIBOR, and on Instagram at SIBOR REALTORS (siborrealtors).
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