STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — When combined with a professional public relations initiative, social media marketing can be a powerful, cost-effective component of a business’s growth strategy.

Relevant Public Relations offers the following advice for business owners and executives seeking to achieve the greatest benefit from their social media efforts:
1. Create ‘branded’ online locations, and tie them to an intended destination.
2. Locate your target audience.
3. Attract their attention with USEFUL INFORMATION.
4. Direct your target audience to your intended destination (preferably, your Web site and blog)
5. Supply them with the anticipated information.
6. Reach out online to people who can influence your business in a positive way, and to whom you can return the favor.
7. Provide more benefits than those you are receiving.
8. Be cautious about how often you promote your business.
9. Create and utilize a blog on a regular basis.
10. No.1 social media rule for businesses: Don’t Be Annoying.
“It’s extremely important to present your business brand as a useful source of information when posting on social media sites,” said Barton Horowitz, president of Relevant Public Relations. “If all or most of your comments come across as advertisements, others in your online community will become less interested in what you have to say.”
Obviously, you need to get the word out about your products and services, but “try to limit your overt elevator pitches to no more than 10 or 15 percent of your postings,” Horowitz advises.
“If most of the advice you provide within the remaining 85 or 90 percent is related to your field and expertise, your Internet audience will get the hint,” he said. “They will embrace the information while acquiring an understanding of your services.”
About the Staten Island Board of REALTORS® (SIBOR)
The Staten Island Board of REALTORS® (SIBOR) is the largest not-for-profit trade association in Staten Island, N.Y.
SIBOR exists to enhance the ability and opportunity of its members to conduct their business successfully and ethically; and to promote the preservation of the public’s right to own, transfer and use real property.
Comprised of over 1,600 members, SIBOR serves real estate agents, brokers and affiliated professionals throughout the borough and surrounding areas.
SIBOR is the provider of the Staten Island Multiple Listing Service Inc. (SIMLS), which works as a clearinghouse through which more than 250 local real estate firms exchange information on properties they have listed for sale. Together, its members participate in over 3,000 real estate transactions every year.
All SIBOR members belong to the New York State Association of REALTORS® (NYSAR) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR).
SIBOR may be reached at 718-928-3220 and viewed online at SIBOR may also be visited on Facebook at “Staten Island Board of Realtors,” on Twitter via @SIBOR, and on YouTube at the Staten Island Board of Realtors and RelevantPR channels.
Media Contact: Barton Horowitz
Relevant Public Relations, LLC
Headquarters: 718‑682‑1509
Mobile: 917‑715‑8761
Email: [email protected]